Email Security

Email Security

Be mindful when managing your emails

Our email address is the door many knock with the hope that we, inadvertently, let them in. Below some tips on the subject:

  • Be present” when reading an email: if you do not know the sender, and something does not make sense, check with friends or family, do not reply if you do not know them; do not engage with them in any way.
  • Report it as spam: if after checking, the sender is unknown and suspicious, treat it as spam, until you hear otherwise (you can go to the spam folder and mark it as “Not spam” later). Until then, mark it spam. Example: Gmail
  • Keep your systems updated: your operating systems, web browsers, your apps in your large, medium or mobile devices should regularly be updated. Updated systems provide more protection.
  • Keep your inbox and contact list filtered and updated: current email apps filter your emails by default but you train your system who to open the door to. Known senders should be in the inbox, the others can live in the junk.

No system is foolproof, but, by getting familiar with these topics, updating your devices, and being mindful when engaging by email, you will have an edge.