Mission and Outreach

Mission & Outreach

Called to Serve


The Mission and Outreach Committee helps St. Andrew’s love and serve others by seeking funds for appropriate projects, coordinating M&O-related activities with other committees, and linking M&O-related activities with Session.


This service takes place along a spectrum, from:
✔︎ meeting immediate needs (e.g., food, shelter, medical care), to
✔︎ helping people learn and work to meet their needs themselves (e.g., training, education), to
✔︎ seeking justice so that the root causes of need are alleviated.

Where possible, service is through Presbyterian Church in Canada ministries and organizations, or agencies with which the congregation has historical linkages. This service to others takes place at three broad scales: locally, nationally and internationally


…through service to others and fund-raising for local needs (activities will resume when it is safe to do so).


… through our annual budget allotment to Presbyterians Sharing, which the congregation supports annually; and


… through Presbyterian World Service & Development with a focus on education and fundraising (typically held after Christmas) .


If you would like to become involved in any of the Mission and Outreach activities of the congregation, or have ideas that you would like to share, or you wish to donate to support any of the work, please contact us at mo@standrewsvictoria.ca or the Church Administrator at 250-384-5734.

Join us in prayer for the work of Presbyterian World Service and Development (updated regularly).

Further information on Mission and Outreach activities can also be found in current and past issues of the monthly congregational magazine, The Link.