Salt & Light 

Salt & Light 4th Sunday of Lent Rev. Cathy Victor March 10, 2024 Lent Popcorn, French fries and eggs. These are things that I see as requiring salt. I know that sometimes we are told to cut back on our salt intake, but if possible these are items that have to be worked around in… Continue reading Salt & Light 

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Where is Jesus?

Where is Jesus? Third Sunday of Lent Pastor Mitch Coggin March 3, 2024 Lent Our scripture passage this morning is from the gospel of John. We encounter Jesus at the Pool of Israel, at the scene of a miraculous healing of a man crippled for 38 years. As we begin, it’s helpful to be reminded… Continue reading Where is Jesus?

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40 Days of Fresh Starts

40 Days of Fresh Starts First Sunday of Lent Pastor Mitch Coggin February 18, 2024 Lent What would you do if you were God? And you saw the world you had made had turned toward violence toward one another and the earth? The book of Genesis contains the old, old stories of our faith, the… Continue reading 40 Days of Fresh Starts

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Transition, Transformationand Transfiguration

Transition, Transformation and Transfiguration Transfiguration Pastor Mitch Coggin February 11, 2024 Last Epiphany Today we are standing in a doorway. Ahead of us is the season of Lent. We will be reminded to courageously look deep within and see ourselves as broken and flawed. Transfiguration Sunday and the approaching season of Lent provide an opportunity… Continue reading Transition, Transformationand Transfiguration

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When LIfe is Interrupted

When LIfe is Interrupted Epiphany Pastor Mitch Coggin January 28, 2024 Epiphany 4B Where is God this morning? What is God doing? Is God as absent, as uninvolved as we sometimes feel? Do we often find ourselves surprised by unexpected thoughts or feelings that, upon closer explanation, could only be described as God’s touch or… Continue reading When LIfe is Interrupted

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Encountering Grace

Encountering Grace Epiphany Pastor Mitch Coggin January 21, 2024 Epiphany 3B Have you ever thought about what God is like? Chances are we envision a God that looks and speaks like us. Our image of God is undoubtedly a God that likes what and whom we like and dislikes what and whom we dislike. Today… Continue reading Encountering Grace

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