A Journey without Luggage

A Journey Without Luggage 19th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Wayne Stretch October 8, 2023 Proper My friend, Fernando, lived for more that 25 years as a refugee in central Africa. He was a teenager when civil war ravaged Angola, killing millions of Angolans including Fernando’s parents and siblings. Fernando was constantly on a run of… Continue reading A Journey without Luggage

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Seeking Freedom in the Wilderness

Seeking Freedom in the Wilderness 18th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Laura Kavanagh October 1, 2023 Proper “Is God among us or not?” Some of us have been wondering that recently. Is the idea of collaborating and potentially combining our resources the direction that God would have us go? Are our individual congregations struggling so that… Continue reading Seeking Freedom in the Wilderness

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The Workers in the Vineyard

The Workers in the Vineyard 17th Sunday after Pentecost Dirk Ryneveld September 24, 2023 I don’t know about you, but when I first read this passage of scripture, my first thought was “that doesn’t seem fair.” What about you? Why wouldn’t those who have toiled all day in the hot sun from sun up to… Continue reading The Workers in the Vineyard

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Seeing as God Sees

Seein as Good sees 16th Sunday after Pentecost Mary Chudley Victoria Cool Aid Society September 17, 2023 Good morning, Thank you for the opportunity to share with you today. The first time I was here was about 25 years ago when I landed on the Island, and never left, as so often happens. Well, left… Continue reading Seeing as God Sees

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Take Off Your Shoes!

Take Off Your Shoes! 14th Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Mitch Coggin September 3, 2023 Proper 17 A As we heard last week, Moses grew up in Egypt in Pharaoh’s court. He grew up with privilege and later learned of his people’s plight when he killed an Egyptian man abusing a Hebrew. Moses fled when Pharaoh… Continue reading Take Off Your Shoes!

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Conformed by Fear – Transformed by FaithWomen at the Riverside from The Pattern of Our Days

Conformed by Fear – Transformed by Faith Women at the Riverside from The Pattern of Our Days Worship at the Picnic Rev. Laura T. Kavanagh August 27, 2023 Knox (Sooke + Victoria), St. Andrew’s, Trinity In the retelling of the first ten verses of Exodus, Chapter Two, written in a book called The Pattern of… Continue reading Conformed by Fear – Transformed by FaithWomen at the Riverside from The Pattern of Our Days

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A New Understanding of Forgiveness

A New Understanding of Forgiveness 11th Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Mitch Coggin August 20, 2023 Proper 15 A “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Of course these are Jesus’ words that underscore the most basic tenets of forgiveness. He answered Peter’s question, “Lord, how many times should I forgive, 7 times?”… Continue reading A New Understanding of Forgiveness

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Fishing for More

Fishing for More 9th Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Mitch Coggin August 6, 2023 Proper 13 A I’m sure you have seen the Dream Coach in the Mega Millions Jackpot Lottery commercials encouraging people to try their luck at the lottery. The Dream Coach encourages, “Dream bigger!” What he doesn’t say is that his encouragement is… Continue reading Fishing for More

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