Seeds for Thought

Seeds for Thought 9th Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Mitch Coggin July 30, 2023 Proper 12 A Today’s scripture readings are lectionary passages for this week. I often wonder how these scriptures are connected and what they say to us on any given Sunday. I have told the Genesis story, in which again and again, Jacob… Continue reading Seeds for Thought

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The Battles Within Us

The Battles Within Us 7th Sunday after Pentecost Dirk Ryneveld July 16, 2023 Pentecost 10A When I was asked to lead the service this morning, I was asked to continue with the series in the Book of James. In previous weeks Rev. Mitch has dealt with Chapters 1 -3, so I will try to deal… Continue reading The Battles Within Us

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Posturing vs. Purposing

Posturing vs. Purposing 4th Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Mitch Coggin June 25, 2023 Proper 7A I’m sure you remember the early days of COVID when we were trying to figure out how best to be vigilant against a virus that was infecting persons right and left. The basics were: keeping two-meter distance, wearing a mask,… Continue reading Posturing vs. Purposing

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Traveling Wisely

Traveling Wisely 3rd Sunday after Pentecost Pastor Mitch Coggin June 18, 2023 Proper 6A Obviously, I have been away of late…traveling both within Canada and to visit family in Indiana and Ohio. Over these last 27 days, we have traveled over 4600 KM to reach our Montreal destination and over 4100 km to reach Indiana… Continue reading Traveling Wisely

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The Adventure of it

The Adventure of it 2nd Sunday after Pentecost Harold Mcnabb June 11, 2023 2nd Sunday after Pentecost The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I… Continue reading The Adventure of it

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Conversations with the Nations

Conversation with the Nations Trinity Rev. Wayne Stretch June 4, 2023 Trinity In the scriptures these past weeks, we’ve been reading Luke’s description of the early days of the church that has been called a Christian Camelot – a marvellous harmony of souls beloved by others and demonstrating the impact of the resurrection in their… Continue reading Conversations with the Nations

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Encourage! Pentecost Pastor Mitch Coggin May 28, 2023 Pentecost A Last week, I was in Montreal at Presbyterian College to teach at the 2nd annual Encouragement Conference. The conference invited pastoral leaders to focus on encouragement and renewal through worship and reflection. The conference was held in conjunction with graduation week. How fitting that former… Continue reading Encourage!

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